
When logic isn't solving the problem.

Ever been in the situation where you've had a problem to solve, and you've 'tried everything', only to be frustrated, by a continuing lack of progress?

Runners call it 'hitting the wall', writers call it 'writers block'. Its happened to us all at one time or other. It happens most in complex situations involving interpersonal relationships, where feelings, motivation, and passion are just as valid as logic and Excel.

So how do you break through?

Coaching is a particularly effective way. Having someone challenge/rethink the fundamental belief systems that created the problem for you in the first place is often a good way to see a problem in a new light, and forge a truly creative path.

Reflection works too. Through prayer, meditation, or deep thought, inner reflection can also bring about constructive ideas that lead to change. You may find though, that the vacuum of reflection may not be enough to validate your solution, and an external sounding board may be a useful person to guide your new-found wisdom.

Listening and internalizing the ideas of others who've been there is a combination of Coaching and Reflection, and is a very effective way to gain insight, inspiration, and energy. I've found it to be particularly helpful in generating ideas for business solutions.

That's why I recommend the Healthcare Service Excellence Conference, and urge you to save the dates of January 26-28, 2011. The theme of this year's conference is The Inspiration to Lead, the Solutions to Succeed.

...in this rapidly changing world where patient experience as measured by HCAHPS, employee engagement, and leadership skills are vital to solve problems, the first-rate agenda and roster of presenters will be a terrific start to the new year.

I hope to see you there.

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