
Does this sound familiar?

A phrase that I hear periodically from hospital leaders who are satisfied with their patient satisfaction results goes something like this: "if we could only manage to improve this one performance element on this one unit, then we'd really be where we want to be."

Well, tackling those high priority patient dissatisfiers at a unit level is now much quicker and easier than before, with Bellwether.

Bellwether is a performance improvement tool that's been designed to seamlessly integrate with any unit, and deliver the information needed to consistently improve performance...on a daily basis.

It helps you turn real-time feedback into fast and sustainable gains in HCAHPS and other key performance indicators.

If your hospital is struggling with improving HCAHPS performance at a unit level, I invite you to click here to read the details of the case study, how Bellwether works, and to arrange a 15-day trial.

1 comment:

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