
A Challenge for Friday Morning!

Friday marks the second annual Healthcare Professional's Appreciation Day!

The event was launched last year to acknowledge the folks who work in our hospitals, and that we know are under-appreciated for the fine work that they do.

Who is a 'Healthcare Professional?' Anybody that's working in your hospital, that makes a profound difference in the lives of others: orderlies, housekeepers, technicians, nurses, attendants, clerks, cooks, servers, doctors, secretaries, administrators, managers, security guards, ambulance drivers, engineers, surgeons, pilots...and many more.
I urge you on Friday morning to take a few minutes, and express a simple 'thanks' to someone that you know has made a difference in someone's life through their work.

It's easy. Pick up the phone. Send a letter or email, or click here to nominate a deserving healthcare worker to receive a $1000 continuing education scholarship.

The scholarship will be awarded on June 28, 2010, and annually thereafter.

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